Yuan Festival Red Glazed Mansion Style Five Colored Gold Dragon Pattern Elephant Nose Zun

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Yuan Festival Red Glazed Mansion Style Five Colored Gold Dragon Pattern Elephant Nose Zun

Auction Information

Product:Yuan Festival Red Glazed Mansion Style Five Colored Gold Dragon Pattern Elephant Nose Zun


Starting Price:AED:1,150,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:44cm W:12.5cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Offering red glaze enamel stick gold dragon pattern elephant trunk zun, imperial script “Imperial style, dragon pattern is flexible, the plate mouth is slightly skimmed, the mouth, the diameter and the shoulder four strings, the shoulder two side Longkou inlaid bottle mouth, enamel painted Gold Dragon Pattern Zun Piet, interface, bottom, all the ruby red glaze, bottom without glaze, glaze surface does not flow crack, tone is even, red, such as gem uniform clean, Ma Cang Earth surface thick and smooth. Both the top and bottom of the bottle are gilded to make it more elegant. This is a fine red glaze from the Yuan dynasty.