Sky Blue Glazed Rose Purple Spot Bowl

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Sky Blue Glazed Rose Purple Spot Bowl

Auction Information

Product:Sky Blue Glazed Rose Purple Spot Bowl


Starting Price:AED:3,600,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:C:17cm H:7cm B:5.5cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This lot straight mouth slightly collected, oblique abdominal adduction, circle foot, strong rose purple, bright glaze, during the color flow and change, not clever thinking can be achieved, the gorgeous glaze color is like sunset, and the enamel fine, still like a quiet lake, sky blue add brilliant purple, strong fragrance, mottled land, green and red relaxed, pleasing to the eye, color flowing color, texture uneven blowing, sincere group outstanding, Texture changes are natural, add Jun porcelain elegant interest, Jun porcelain purple spot ware, take copper material, brush a few strokes into the kiln, when the fire is gone, blue and purple blend, now gorgeous, colorful, no one is the same in each kiln, irregular rose purple spots sprinkled on it, like sunset clouds changing and mountain water dense, attractive, simple, decorative but Chinese, like a calligraphy, each product is unique, Thus won the favor of the literati and nobles at that time, bright and bright color, such markings, rely on artisans brush painting glaze technology, glaze distribution and the proportion of two colors to see the competition, such characteristics, and abstract painting, purple spot excellent and good, amazing.