Dingyao Children's Pillow

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Dingyao Children's Pillow

Auction Information

Product:Dingyao Children's Pillow


Starting Price:AED:1,060,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The glaze of this product is as smooth as grease, and the shape of the product is delicate and elegant. The soft glaze color from high temperature kiln and the crystal crack of ice come from chance, all follow the nature, simple and beautiful, and deeply fit the virtues of Chinese literati. People in Song Dynasty admire porcelain and evaluate its shape, glaze, color and touch, as if they had predicted the arrival of simplism. The pursuit of elegant porcelain, began in the Song Dynasty literati, a few passed to the house, gradually with this good.