Pink flower patterned ribbon gourd bottle

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Pink flower patterned ribbon gourd bottle

Auction Information

Product:Pink flower patterned ribbon gourd bottle


Starting Price:AED:1,850,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:23.5cm C:4cm B:9cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This product has rich round cut all kinds of shape, exquisite production, beautiful and elegant shape, porcelain Ying embellish, thin body light, white fetal quality. The decorative patterns are numerous and beautiful, the patterns are exquisite and delicate, and the composition is clear and bright. Because lead powder is mixed into the color material, the color is diluted by water separation method during the drawing, which has a pink and elegant artistic style. It is good at expressing the texture of the image, describing the bud of flower and feathers very carefully, and making the pattern have the effect of Yin and Yang.