Pink longevity peach patterned celestial sphere bottle

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Pink longevity peach patterned celestial sphere bottle

Auction Information

Product:Pink longevity peach patterned celestial sphere bottle


Starting Price:AED:530,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:C:6.5cm H:34cm B:11cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The shape of this lot is thick and heavy, round mouth, straight neck, spherical belly and circular feet. Its shape is like the celestial sphere. The newly created pastel paints realistic and magnificent natural scenery and colors freely. The peach pattern colors are soft and beautiful, light powder, light yellow, fresh green, etc., which fully demonstrates the high development of the newly created pastel. The painting is novel, delicate and elegant, and the painting technique is also excellent to the utmost. Each peach blossom is outlined with very fine dark lines, which not only have distinct layers, but also do not damage the beauty of the petals. The petals themselves are yellowish in color, and the gradual gradation to the core of the flower is fine. It seems more realistic, peach leaves Fu Shu, dew branches graceful posture, fruit powder run full, yellow transition to purple-red, natural and delicate, natural, not the government kiln Jie craftsman can not have this kind of skills.