Jun Kiln Sky Blue Glazed Halberd Zun

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Jun Kiln Sky Blue Glazed Halberd Zun

Auction Information

Product:Jun Kiln Sky Blue Glazed Halberd Zun


Starting Price:AED:3,020,000

Transaction Price:AED:5,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The style of the pottery imitates that of Shang and Zhou bronze ware, and is a model of antique porcelain. Decorate four edges on the neck, abdomen, and circular feet, commonly known as "Chuhalberd". The traditional academic community once associated this type of utensil with Emperor Huizong of Song, who was fond of collecting bronze ware, and believed that the Chu Ji Zun was a typical display porcelain used in the late Northern Song dynasty palace.