Blue and white dragon patterned gourd vase

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Blue and white dragon patterned gourd vase

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white dragon patterned gourd vase


Starting Price:AED:1,850,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:49cm C:5cm B:5cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This product is simple in shape, large in shape and majestic in momentum. On the basis of solid techniques of white glazed porcelain and stable supply of cobalt material, artisans can paint blue and white porcelain products as they please. The brushwork is free and bold, and blue and white are beautiful in all colors, just like the dignified and dizzy dyeing of ink painting. The faint place is natural, the fetal body is heavy, the bottom of the instrument is exposed to the fetus and some glaze slurry cover is hung on the fetus, flowing naturally.