A pair of Ming Dynasty Chenghua annual style Doucai Ruyi Fanlian patterned bamboo joint high foot cups

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A pair of Ming Dynasty Chenghua annual style Doucai Ruyi Fanlian patterned bamboo joint high foot cups

Auction Information

Product:A pair of Ming Dynasty Chenghua annual style Doucai Ruyi Fanlian patterned bamboo joint high foot cups


Starting Price:AED:26,570,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:7.8cm C:6.3cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This colorful high foot cup has a beautiful and ancient shape, exquisite and unique, exquisite and beautiful. The cup feet bear horns, resembling bamboo knots, symbolizing the auspicious meaning of having many children and grandchildren, rising in knots, and supporting the river and mountain forever. The body is pure and delicate, thin and light, with pure color materials, clear and soft colors, elegant and elegant, and obvious signs of natural aging. The painter is highly distinctive, with smooth and refined brushstrokes and graceful and perfect lines. This cup pattern is decorated with a flat painted color, with yellow flowers and green leaves, uniform color, and a realistic feeling. The glaze color is creamy white and soft, which can better highlight the bright and elegant colors of the Doucai. The colors are brilliant, and the color configuration is flexible and free. The blue and white flowers have a delicate and elegant color with a sense of transparency. The underglaze blue and white flowers and the five colored materials on the glaze are intertwined to form the "fallen leaves and lotus flowers" as described in the Song Dynasty. The artistic effect of "Huang Jiao Green Covers New Makeup" is a pair of top-notch imperial products with high collection value.