Eighteen Arhat Double Eared Bottles with Western Colored Green Space and Western Flowers in Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty

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Eighteen Arhat Double Eared Bottles with Western Colored Green Space and Western Flowers in Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:Eighteen Arhat Double Eared Bottles with Western Colored Green Space and Western Flowers in Qianlong Period of the Qing Dynasty


Starting Price:AED:13,800,000

Transaction Price:AED:25,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This product uses foreign color to draw the eighteen arhats, with different expressions and movements, harmonious landscape and scenery, which is extremely rare. It shows the craftsman's painting skills. The whole painting has already been sketched, and it has been well understood before casting, which shows its extraordinary accomplishments. The landscape scenery depicted in this product incorporates various types of characters, and is illustrated by the use of bottle shaped landscape character decorations and the addition of pink green spaces above and below. This product should be a typical example of the later period of porcelain decoration design during the Qianlong period. The green space pink flower pattern on the neck and feet is similar to the color pattern of overseas colored porcelain, which may be made from brocade patterns. Tang Yingshan's paintings were either directly painted on the body of the pottery by himself, or painted on porcelain by painters based on his ink paintings. There are still early Qianlong treasures with Tang Yingshan's style that have been passed down. The Tang kiln style can be seen from the landscape background of this bottle.