Ming Dynasty Jiajing Year Made Blue and White Fish and Algae Pattern Jar

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Ming Dynasty Jiajing Year Made Blue and White Fish and Algae Pattern Jar

Auction Information

Product:Ming Dynasty Jiajing Year Made Blue and White Fish and Algae Pattern Jar


Starting Price:AED:430,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:46cm C:22cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The Ming Jiajing official kiln blue and white fish and algae pattern large jar has a straight mouth, a round belly, a concave sand bottom, and a six character regular script style of "Made in the Year of Ming Jiajing" is placed near the mouth. The body of the jar is large and regular, with a thick and firm texture. The decorative layout is sparse and clear, and the painting is simple and elegant. The blue and white color is elegant, and the glaze is warm and delicate. This painting of fish and algae patterns during the Jiajing period has a large jar, which is recorded in detail in the "Jiangxi Provincial Annals: Tao Shu" during the Jiajing period, It is difficult to make this large artifact, and no one can achieve it. Therefore, inheritance is still very difficult to achieve.