Qing Qianlong Colorful Shawl Flower Taiping Elephant Double Elephant Ear Zun

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Qing Qianlong Colorful Shawl Flower Taiping Elephant Double Elephant Ear Zun

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Colorful Shawl Flower Taiping Elephant Double Elephant Ear Zun


Starting Price:AED:8,260,000

Transaction Price:AED:9,500,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This utensil, which combines foreign colors with tea powder glaze, is an innovative work of the Qianlong imperial porcelain craftsmanship. The neck of this product is made of rouge colored material, and the meticulously drawn brocade is delicate and beautiful; It is adorned with unique Western floral patterns and butterfly patterns, with exquisite colors and decorations, making it a typical icing on the cake technique.