Qing Qianlong Blue and White Flower Piercing Dragon Tour Picture Long Necked Vase

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Qing Qianlong Blue and White Flower Piercing Dragon Tour Picture Long Necked Vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Blue and White Flower Piercing Dragon Tour Picture Long Necked Vase


Starting Price:AED:6,200,000

Transaction Price:AED:7,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Dragon patterned long necked bile bottle, with a small mouth and long neck, a full belly, and a belly hanging like a gallbladder. The entire vessel is painted with blue and white five clawed flying dragons, with different postures and boundless momentum. It shuttles through the branches and flowers, flipping and moving, and each flower has its own unique style.