Southern Song Dynasty official kiln celadon glazed octagonal string patterned disc-shaped bottle

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Southern Song Dynasty official kiln celadon glazed octagonal string patterned disc-shaped bottle

Auction Information

Product:Southern Song Dynasty official kiln celadon glazed octagonal string patterned disc-shaped bottle


Starting Price:GBP:5,300,000

Transaction Price:GBP:420,000


Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The official kiln of the Southern Song Dynasty was built in Hangzhou for imperial use and enjoys a high reputation. It can be said to be a top-quality heavy artifact, rare like a morning star. It is concise and dignified, and can only be reached by Qin Aoyuan Han. When proving the truth, craftsmen are skilled and thoughtful, fully understanding the charm of beautiful porcelain. In the colorful kiln fire, they have seen the trend of a generation. When producing kiln products, the elegant tunes of Zhao and Song literati are scattered.