Bronze fetal lion ornament

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Bronze fetal lion ornament

Auction Information

Product:Bronze fetal lion ornament


Starting Price:SGD:50,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The entire bronze lion is made of pure brass precision casting. A treasure tool for suppressing evil spirits and promoting power and fortune. The main function of copper lions is to dispel evil spirits and prevent disasters. They are usually placed on tables, window sills, bookshelves, or low cabinets facing the door. Copper is gold, which can restrain the punishment of wood. When encountering a large tree visible across the window, it is advisable to use a pair of copper lions to resolve it. The introduction of the Bronze Lion shook the reputation of the legendary tiger and gradually became seen as a demon warding auspicious beast by people. In addition, Buddhism greatly admires lions, and the bronze lion also provides people with spiritual comfort as the "king of beasts", symbolizing the suppression of evil and good fortune. Highly loved and sought after by collectors, with extremely high collection value!