Shoushan Lotus Stone Ornaments

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Shoushan Lotus Stone Ornaments

Auction Information

Product:Shoushan Lotus Stone Ornaments


Starting Price:SGD:70,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:20.7cm WT:625.8g W:11.2cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The texture of hibiscus stone is extremely warm and smooth, condensed and delicate. Although it is not very transparent, its elegance is all within it. Furong Stone is also a major stone family in Shoushan Stone, known as the "Stone Queen" in Shoushan Stone, and can be shoulder to shoulder with Tian Huang, also known as the "Stone Emperor". This collection is made of natural Shoushan hibiscus stone, which has not been modified and is completely natural. In recent years, the increasing depletion of resources has led to a rapid rise in the status of Shoushan Stone. And hibiscus has become one of the popular items pursued by collectors.

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