Longteng Four Seas Classic Collection

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Longteng Four Seas Classic Collection

Auction Information

Product:Longteng Four Seas Classic Collection


Starting Price:SGD:28,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This collection includes an exquisite scroll of "Dragon Soars the Four Seas", 9 meticulously crafted Kowloon gold foils, and 9 exquisite Kowloon commemorative medals. This collection has a heavy and unique feel, with the theme of "Nine Dragons". It is meticulously crafted, packaged beautifully, and designed in a novel way. It has extremely high artistic appreciation and collection value! This collection is made with exquisite craftsmanship and materials, making it a great gift for new friends.