Yao Jianping's Su Embroidery "Harmony and Prosperity"

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Yao Jianping's Su Embroidery

Auction Information

Product:Yao Jianping's Su Embroidery "Harmony and Prosperity"


Starting Price:SGD:9,890,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The work integrates artistic elements such as traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, and photography, and meticulously depicts representative landscapes such as the Acropolis of Athens, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, the Great Wall, and Mount Everest, as well as the sense of distance and perspective. Embroider the lucky birds that only spread their wings and fly, from their agile eyes to their lifelike feathers. The technique of adding color layer by layer and gradually deepening is used to focus on depicting the golden crown, blue tiles, and red pillars of the Temple of Heaven, as well as the beauty of the Acropolis of Athens. The work also correctly handles the relationships between distance and closeness, motion and stillness, and virtuality and reality. Its colors are more diverse than painting. Due to the unique refraction effect of light, the scenery on the work becomes more vivid and radiant. The composition of the work is expressed in a staggered manner. In terms of color processing, bold pursuit of color contrast and complementary colors creates a strong and colorful color effect. In terms of light and shadow conversion, the realistic part is stacked with flat needle embroidery, The blurry parts are transitional with random needle embroidery, making the work complement each other and complement each other; In terms of the combination of needlework and silk texture, as well as the combination of painting and embroidery, different needlework and silk texture are intertwined and refracted through light, presenting a different sense of distance and unevenness in space.