Buddha, Hui, Zhao, Ming, Xuan, De, Yu, Zhi, Da Ban Ruo Jing

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Buddha, Hui, Zhao, Ming, Xuan, De, Yu, Zhi, Da Ban Ruo Jing

Auction Information

Product:Buddha, Hui, Zhao, Ming, Xuan, De, Yu, Zhi, Da Ban Ruo Jing


Starting Price:SGD:12,080,000

Transaction Price:SGD:18,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


During the reign of Emperor Xuande, the emperor ordered the holy monk Huijin to write golden characters and oversee the copying of four major scriptures. Among them, there should have been the imperial "Great Prajnaparamita Sutra", but ten volumes have survived. The sheep's brain script is made of clay and gold, with a clear and elegant font like floating clouds, and the appearance is excellent. Except for the Xuande imperial "Great Treasure Collection Sutra" and "Great Nirvana Sutra" in the collection of the Taipei Palace Museum, there is no record of it being a precious treasure of the Ming Dynasty, only seen in the art world. According to records, it was already cherished by the nobility of Kyoto as early as 1917, and was kept secret by Colonel Fujio Fujii and Colonel Thomas Phillips III. It was not until the 2014 Ming Dynasty exhibition at the British Museum that it reappeared in the world, which is extremely rare.