Dragon pattern carved inkstone (with sky eye)

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Dragon pattern carved inkstone (with sky eye)

Auction Information

Product:Dragon pattern carved inkstone (with sky eye)


Starting Price:SGD:50,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Dragon patterned Duan inkstone (with a heavenly eye), carved from a large piece of material, cleverly combined with natural stone skin for exquisite carving of ancient dragons, bats, and gourds (symbolizing blessings and wealth), comes with a natural heavenly eye, exquisite craftsmanship, delicate knife techniques, natural fire suppression of the inkstone hall, golden halo, and delicate stone quality. Inkstone back engraved with poetry and prose, signature: very bearded. The inkstone is large, heavy, and domineering, with smooth lines.