Panasonic Asking the Boy

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Panasonic Asking the Boy

Auction Information

Product:Panasonic Asking the Boy


Starting Price:SGD:250,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Tianhuang is like solidified honey. Its pulp is full of fat and oil, which is the essence of soil. It is extremely rare and prestigious. Emperor Qianlong regarded it as the highest grade of "exclusive respect". One of the three consecutive chapters is engraved with the words "Qianlong Chenhan", which is also regarded as the emperor's calligraphy treasure, demonstrating the supreme authority of the emperor. The second chapter, "Only the best", explains the ruling concept of being prepared for danger in times of peace, and also shows that Tian Huang is the only essence of the earth. Only emperors with supreme virtue deserve to possess it. Among the thousands of jade seals of Emperor Qianlong, he only had a fondness for the three consecutive seals of Tianhuang, which were passed down to future emperors and cherished for generations. This shows how noble the true Tianhuang is. Therefore, throughout the entire Qing royal family, various emperors cherished Tian Huang's three consecutive chapters and passed down the secret script as a symbol of emperors from generation to generation.