Wang Yiting's "Mi Fu Worshipping the Stone"

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Wang Yiting's

Auction Information

Product:Wang Yiting's "Mi Fu Worshipping the Stone"


Starting Price:SGD:260,000

Transaction Price:SGD:260,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Wang Yiting (1867-1938 November), also known as the White Dragon Mountain Man, Plum Blossom Pavilion Master, Haiyun Tower Master, etc., was a Buddhist name. Born in Zhoupu, Shanghai, with ancestral roots in Wuxing, Zhejiang (now Huzhou City). Famous maritime calligraphers and painters, industrialists, outstanding philanthropists, social activists, and religious figures during the late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China period. Wang Yiting's works have a modern humanistic consciousness. In his early years, he learned painting under the guidance of Xu Xiaocang. Later, he studied under Ren Bonian and made great progress in his painting skills, inheriting the style of the Ren school. Later, Wu Changshuo, a master of the Jinshi School, was also a teacher and friend. He tended to use broad brushstrokes to express himself freely, with rich and vibrant colors, smooth brushstrokes, and a grand and realistic style. The composition is exquisite, with poetry, calligraphy, painting, and printing seamlessly integrated. In the maritime painting school of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, his influence was second only to that of Wu Changshuo. Wu Changshuo gifted a pavilion to the King of Poetry, saying, "The heavens and earth are amazed, and strange creatures are born in a pavilion. The brush is cast with iron, and the ink is cold and rainy."