Cheng Shifa's Medicinal Harvesting Map Vertical Axis Paper

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Cheng Shifa's Medicinal Harvesting Map Vertical Axis Paper

Auction Information

Product:Cheng Shifa's Medicinal Harvesting Map Vertical Axis Paper


Starting Price:SGD:440,000

Transaction Price:SGD:440,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Cheng Shifa (April 10, 1921 to July 18, 2007), native of Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai. Mingtong, also known as "Bujing Tower" or "Do not teach to idle for a day", was later called "Three Cauldron Bookstore" or "Xiuzhu Yuanshan Tower". Chinese Shanghai style calligrapher and painter. Being unique in terms of characters, flowers, and birds. Proficient in comic strips, New Year paintings, illustrations, and more. Gong calligraphy is inspired by the Qin and Han wooden slips and Huaisu wild grass, and is good at combining grass, seal script, and clerical script into one.