Yao Youduo created the vertical axis of the medicine mining map in 1979

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Yao Youduo created the vertical axis of the medicine mining map in 1979

Auction Information

Product:Yao Youduo created the vertical axis of the medicine mining map in 1979


Starting Price:SGD:420,000

Transaction Price:SGD:420,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Yao Youduo has been fond of painting since childhood and has demonstrated outstanding talent in Chinese painting (characters). In his early years, he worked as a comic artist, and in 1952, he became a creator at Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House; In 1956, he was admitted to the Department of Chinese Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and studied under masters such as Jiang Zhaohe, Ye Qianyu, Li Keran, and Li Kuchan. After graduating in 1959, he stayed on campus to teach; He has served as a professor in the Department of Chinese Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the Academy's Academic Committee, the director of the Second Studio of the Department of Chinese Painting, a member of the 8th and 9th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a director of the Shi Tao Art Society, and an honorary professor at the Correspondence University of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting.