Calligraphy by Master Hongyi

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Calligraphy by Master Hongyi

Auction Information

Product:Calligraphy by Master Hongyi


Starting Price:SGD:110,000

Transaction Price:SGD:180,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Li Shutong (1880-1942), also known as Li Xishuang, Li An, and Li Liang, had a genealogical name of Wentao, a young name of Chengqi, a scientific name of Guanghou, a courtesy name of Xishuang, and a nickname of Shutong. Famous musician, art educator, calligrapher, and drama activist, he is one of the pioneers of Chinese drama. After returning from studying abroad in Japan, he served as a teacher and editor, and later shaved his head to become a monk. His Dharma name was Yin Yin, and he was known as Hongyi. In the evening, he was known as Wanqing Senior. Later, he was revered as Hongyi Master.