Qi Baishi's "Unfortunately Silent Flower and Bird Works and Insect Collection"

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Qi Baishi's

Auction Information

Product:Qi Baishi's "Unfortunately Silent Flower and Bird Works and Insect Collection"


Starting Price:SGD:5,366,000

Transaction Price:SGD:5,800,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qi Baishi refers to the lifelike and vivid appearance of grass and insects in the painting, which is unparalleled in its lifelike form. It is not inferior to the grass and insects in the real world, but unfortunately silent. Each painting has a story, although they are the most ordinary flowers, birds, plants, and insects in nature, Qi Baishi endows them with an eternal beauty. He creates a rhythm of nature and a silent movement with his sincere and spicy brushstrokes, bright and bright colors, vivid and natural shapes, as well as his innocent and childlike soul and unique imagination.