Qing Qianlong White Jade Sheep Head Melon Ridge Style Copper Body Twisted Wire Enamel Beam Carrying Pot

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Qing Qianlong White Jade Sheep Head Melon Ridge Style Copper Body Twisted Wire Enamel Beam Carrying Pot

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong White Jade Sheep Head Melon Ridge Style Copper Body Twisted Wire Enamel Beam Carrying Pot


Starting Price:SGD:50,000

Transaction Price:SGD:62,000

Specification:H:25cm D:15cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The vessel is made with an open mouth, a lid, and a detachable button placed on the lid. It has a curved belly and circular feet, and the belly is decorated with a sheep head pot flow. It is connected to a gold-plated wire enamel lifting beam, and the overall design is clever and the craftsmanship is exquisite, with high collection value. Jade is as white as grease, carved into a melon shaped shape from the button, lid, body to the feet. On one side of the abdomen, there is a protruding sheep head, with the sheep head raised and two ears and horns protruding from the back of the head. There are three buttons on the shoulder of the pot, which are connected to three Ruyi style copper tire wire tied enamel lifting beams. This vessel has plump melon edges and is carved and excavated from Hetian white jade. The jade is delicate, full of oil, and has a soft and beautiful coating.