Cao Kun's Constitution Commemorates the Valuable Military Silver Coin

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Cao Kun's Constitution Commemorates the Valuable Military Silver Coin

Auction Information

Product:Cao Kun's Constitution Commemorates the Valuable Military Silver Coin


Starting Price:SGD:539,000

Transaction Price:SGD:539,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The silver medal commemorating the statue of Cao Kun in the 12th year of the Republic of China. Cao Kun's military attire statue. Cao Kun served as the President in 1923 for a relatively short term, and this chapter was forged during his tenure. Cao Kun openly bribed members of Congress with 5000 silver dollars and ascended to the position of President. His corrupt and rampant government faced many objections, and in October 1924, the Cao Kun government was overthrown by a coup initiated by warlord Feng Yuxiang. The casting is exquisitely crafted and pleasing to the eye, with a slight mottled sheepskin paper color coating.