1877 Mexico made eagle Ocean

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1877 Mexico made eagle Ocean

Auction Information

Product:1877 Mexico made eagle Ocean


Starting Price:SGD:130,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This collection is a free hat lace eagle coin made in 1877, with a diameter of 39 millimeters and a weight of 27 grams. The silver dollar features a design on the front with a male eagle beak and a long snake standing on a single leg on a cactus. The cactus is the national flower of Mexico, and the upper end is engraved with "REPUBLICA MEXICANA", which means "Republic of Mexico". The lower end is engraved with the left and right edges growing upwards. The center of the back of the silver dollar is engraved with the free hat, and 32 light pillars of varying lengths radiate around the hat, Representing 31 states and 1 federal district across the country, with a five pointed star engraved at the bottom, representing the value of the currency as "8R", representing the mint as "Mo", representing the year of minting as "1877", representing the mint as "M.H.10D.20G". The ancient Azteca people, inspired by tribal gods, established their homes where eagles held snakes and stood on cacti. Until now, all coins minted in Mexico bear this national emblem pattern. The legendary story of "Eagle Ocean" not only showcases Mexico's coinage art, but more importantly, it is an example of friendly exchanges between humans. The history of coinage is actually a part of the culture of a country or nation, and an important component of human civilization. This has become an art form. An important witness to history. Nowadays, when trading rare eagle species, there is intense bidding and extremely high collection value