Qing Qianlong Blue Ground Yellow Colored Dragon Pattern Plate (One Pair)

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Qing Qianlong Blue Ground Yellow Colored Dragon Pattern Plate (One Pair)

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Blue Ground Yellow Colored Dragon Pattern Plate (One Pair)


Starting Price:SGD:970,000

Transaction Price:SGD:1,000,000

Specification:D:26cm H:4.3cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This product has a well-designed design, with an open mouth, a sloping belly, and a lower circular foot. The whole body is painted with blue and yellow colors, cobalt blue is brilliant, and the yellow color is delicate and contrastive. Pan Xin draws a picture of a group of dragons playing with pearls, surrounded by flowing clouds. Draw a pair of chasing pearl dragon patterns on the inner and outer walls of the plate. The dragon pattern shuttles through the flowing clouds, with slightly open mouth, wide eyes, and scattered beard and hair, not angry but majestic. The inside and outside of the plate are covered with glaze, with warm and moist glaze, gorgeous patterns, and a neat layout. Paired for viewing, it combines elegance and elegance, with an extraordinary style, truly making it a masterpiece of porcelain.