Guan Kiln Incense Tube

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Guan Kiln Incense Tube

Auction Information

Product:Guan Kiln Incense Tube


Starting Price:SGD:20,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:C:11.4cm B:11.6cm H:26cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This product is an official kiln incense tube, which is a harmonious, beautiful, and majestic artistic treasure with its ancient and dignified design, a jade like glaze color, and wavy scales. This utensil has a solemn and elegant design, with a crispy and precious halo, harmonious proportions, and excellent glaze color. The glaze is like condensed fat, with a slight purple tint at the thin part of the glaze. The iron feet are dry and old, and the glaze surface is extremely warm and moist, with irregular ice cracks and obvious erosion. The whole utensil is simple and elegant, with a long-lasting charm.