Ming Jiajing Colorful Fish and Algae Pattern Cover Jar

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Ming Jiajing Colorful Fish and Algae Pattern Cover Jar

Auction Information

Product:Ming Jiajing Colorful Fish and Algae Pattern Cover Jar


Starting Price:SGD:12,280,000

Transaction Price:SGD:15,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Lip opening, short neck, ample shoulders, round abdomen, gradually converging below the abdomen, and concave foot circle. Traditional fish algae patterns are painted throughout the body in colors such as blue and white, red, yellow, and green. Shoulder decoration with compound leaf pattern; Blue and white banana leaf patterns painted near the feet; The abdomen is painted with eight tailed carp in yellow color and alum red, complemented by various water plants and lotus flowers. The regular script style of the blue and white book "Made in the Jiajing Year of the Ming Dynasty" inside the circle foot. A circle of fish and algae patterns is painted around the cover, and the cover is decorated with tassels and miscellaneous treasure patterns. A flame patterned treasure bead button is placed on top.