The Story of Blue and White Characters in the Yuan Dynasty: Wu Song Beating the Tiger Jar

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The Story of Blue and White Characters in the Yuan Dynasty: Wu Song Beating the Tiger Jar

Auction Information

Product:The Story of Blue and White Characters in the Yuan Dynasty: Wu Song Beating the Tiger Jar


Starting Price:SGD:6,680,000

Transaction Price:SGD:6,680,000

Specification:H:28cm D:21cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This blue and white jar has a straight mouth, short neck, and round belly, with a simple and elegant design. The body is thick and dense, and the lines are smooth. The composition is sparse and clear, and the glaze is smooth. The blue and white hair color used throughout the body is stable. Although there are no rich and colorful colors, it accurately portrays the appearance and expression of the characters. The clothing lines are delicate and smooth, and the painting skills are skilled. The painting is meticulous, and the characters are lifelike and dynamic, with high appreciation and collection value.