Yuan Blue and White Cloud Dragon Pattern Elephant Ear Vase

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Yuan Blue and White Cloud Dragon Pattern Elephant Ear Vase

Auction Information

Product:Yuan Blue and White Cloud Dragon Pattern Elephant Ear Vase


Starting Price:SGD:10,780,000

Transaction Price:SGD:12,000,000

Specification:H:63.6cm D:14cm B:15.6cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Pan mouth, long neck, thin belly, podium foot, with an elephant head ring ear on each side of the neck. Tall and majestic in shape. The fetal material is pure white, the glaze is transparent, and the blue and white color is beautiful and vibrant. Eight patterns are painted from mouth to foot, including tangled chrysanthemums, banana leaves, cloud phoenixes, tangled lotus, sea dragon, sea waves, tangled peonies, and palindromes. The layers are clear, complex yet not chaotic,. It has a beautiful and majestic design, and its decorative patterns have high historical, philosophical, and humanistic artistic value. It is the pinnacle of Chinese porcelain history. The difference from the collection of the Chinese Art Museum in London, UK is that although the bottle has no inscription on the neck and a palindrome on the bottom, it clearly comes from the same painter and craftsman. This bottle is a pair and is the most important and precious Yuan Dynasty blue and white porcelain that currently exists overseas.