The Tang Dynasty royal painted statues to support the Buddha

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The Tang Dynasty royal painted statues to support the Buddha

Auction Information

Product:The Tang Dynasty royal painted statues to support the Buddha


Starting Price:SGD:2,020,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:62cm B:16.2cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The painted Buddha statue is a unique sculpture art of the Tang Dynasty. The art style of this statue is highly consistent with that of the Mount Wutai and Mogao Grottoes. Its shape is plump, round, elegant, and luxurious, with clean and white skin. It wears a crown on its head, steps on the red lotus flower seat with its feet, and uses its hands to make a statement. The green robe is adorned with silk, and the yellow necklaces are elegant. After experiencing thousands of years of wind and frost, a kind smile still lingers, and colors and charms depend on each other. It is a perfect embodiment of the Tang Dynasty's sculpture and painting art during its heyday, as well as the solemnity, nobility, and harmonious unity of Buddhism. Extremely valuable in history, culture, and art, it is an extremely rare Tang Dynasty art treasure that is rare in a thousand years. Buddha said, how much love is left in the world, welcoming the thousand changes of the floating world, don't ask if it's fate or fate... Cangyang Jiacuo.