Zhang Jizhi's manuscript of 'Regular Script Scrolls'

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Zhang Jizhi's manuscript of 'Regular Script Scrolls'

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Jizhi's manuscript of 'Regular Script Scrolls'


Starting Price:QAR:34,400,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 35,000,000

Specification:Calligraphy: 34.2 × 60cm Postscript 1: 34.2 × 269cm Postscript 2: 34.2 × 40cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


There are more than ten people who have added postscripts to this "Kaishu Volume" (fragment): Qian Yue, Yi Bingshou, Weng Fanggang, Guifang, Wu Qian, Song Baochun, Chen Chongben, Zhou Houyuan, Wu Rongguang, Zhang Weiping, Chen Qikun, Pan Zhengwei, Ding Zhenduo, Lu Runxiang, and Yuan Jinkai. There are collections of seals such as Wu Yuanhui and Pu Xinshe, as well as two seals of "Suizhai Appraisal" and "Jiayin Hall". According to the postscript, in the year of Xinyou in Jiaqing (1801), Chen Mansheng gifted Wu Rongguang this paper in four folds, and the remaining volumes were kept for himself. In the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (1811), Chen Mansheng belonged to Guo Gui and inscribed the "remaining volume". At this time, it had already been framed into a hand scroll, and the last fold no longer existed (when Guo Gui inscribed it, it was referred to as "three hundred and fifty-six lines", which is the same as the current collection in the Forbidden City); In the year 1810, Wu Rongguang resigned from his position and returned to his hometown. He gifted this scroll to Ye Menglong and later recorded it in Ye's "Fengmanlou Calligraphy and Painting Record". In the year 1830, Wu Rongguang supplemented this scroll in response to Ye Menglong's request; Daoguang Jihai (1839) was already with Ye Yingyang, the son of Ye Menglong; Daoguang Wushen (1848) returned to Pan Zhengwei and was published in the "Continuation of Calligraphy and Painting at Tingfan Tower"; Later, he entered the "Nanxue Studio" of Wu Yuanhui in Tibet and was recorded; After wandering in Guangdong for decades, he finally entered the Prince Gong's mansion and passed through Pu Xinshe's collection.