Qiu Ying's "Taoyuan Fairyland Map"

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Qiu Ying's

Auction Information

Product:Qiu Ying's "Taoyuan Fairyland Map"


Starting Price:QAR:14,500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:105.5cm W:57.2cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This picture depicts a secluded environment far from the mortal world, as depicted in Qiu Ying's "The Picture of Peach Blossom Spring Fairyland". In the distance, there are undulating peaks and misty white clouds. The pavilions are half hidden and half exposed in the clouds, embellishing this place like a fairy like illusion. Nearby, there are strange pine trees swaying and winding, with ancient vines winding around and red peaches covering, creating a serene and elegant scenery. Three people dressed in white sat by the stream, one playing the piano, one bowing their heads to listen, one leaning against a rock, waving their other arm as if intoxicated by the music. Even the boy carrying the basket was moved by the sound of the piano and stood quietly. The author expresses the intangible beauty of music by depicting the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers, the vivid expressions and graceful shapes of characters.