Chinese Dragon Silver Dollar

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Chinese Dragon Silver Dollar

Auction Information

Product:Chinese Dragon Silver Dollar


Starting Price:QAR: 512,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In order to forever commemorate the historical changes during the low valley period of China, we have chosen "silver coins" with historical characteristics as carriers. Each coin bears witness to the historical traces and changes in the nature of the Qing Dynasty, and serves as an eternal memory. Therefore, we have specially launched a set of 20 silver coins commemorating the Chinese Dragon. The front and back coins have regional colors, Chinese cultural totems, and other characteristics. Each coin is a historical imprint, and each coin is a cultural imprint, Each one makes you unable to put it down and linger. Upon closer inspection, they will take you into a period of low point in the history of Chinese culture. Colorful images will allow you to appreciate the struggles, progress, and changes that occur during the low point of life. You will continue to stand up, remember your lessons, and firmly move towards the future. Each has a diameter of 40mm, and you will also receive a dragon silver plate with a diameter of 110mm, packaged in a high-end leather box. This collection is made of copper material, silver surface, and antique craftsmanship, with beautiful shapes, elegant nobility, and exquisite craftsmanship