Guangxu Ingot (wrong version)

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Guangxu Ingot (wrong version)

Auction Information

Product:Guangxu Ingot (wrong version)


Starting Price:QAR: 29,900

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:D:3.3cm WT:10.5g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This Guangxu Yuanbao is in good condition, with regular gears, natural wear marks on the coin surface, rich coating, and natural rust color. It has extremely high artistic and ornamental value. The four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" are read directly in the bead circle on the obverse side of the coin, and the name of the coin bureau that minted this coin is engraved in the center. On the back of the coin, the bead circle is engraved with English on the outside. The interior of the bead circle has a coiled dragon pattern, with round and deep strokes, smooth and elegant lines, and the dragon scale pearl pattern particles are free of emptiness and stickiness. The particles are clear and exquisite. The overall design is exquisite, the shape is regular, the floor is flat, smooth like a board, the decoration is exquisite, the graphics and text are profound, the style is unique, the craftsmanship is exquisite, and it has extremely high artistic value and collection value. The most rare thing is that this coin is a wrong version, extremely rare!