Xianfeng Heavy Treasure Dang Fifty

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Xianfeng Heavy Treasure Dang Fifty

Auction Information

Product:Xianfeng Heavy Treasure Dang Fifty


Starting Price:QAR: 25,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:D:5.4cm WT:55g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, due to the invasion of Western capitalist power and the influence of the Taiping Rebellion in China, the political situation was full of crises and the finances were basically depleted. The Qing government minted Xianfeng large coins to save the currency system from collapsing. Dang Bai, also known as "Zhongbao", is extremely precious due to the limited number of coins that have been passed down and the scarcity of surviving ones. The Xianfeng Zhongbao Dang 50 coins can be said to be a treasure of the Xianfeng Big Coin. Due to its early minting time, it has also been the most concerned and dedicated coin of ancient spring enthusiasts for collection and appreciation since ancient times. Among the many large Xianfeng coins, the Xianfeng treasure of fifty coins should be recommended as the most valuable.