Da Ming Xuan De Blue and White Holding Pot

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Da Ming Xuan De Blue and White Holding Pot

Auction Information

Product:Da Ming Xuan De Blue and White Holding Pot


Starting Price:QAR: 1,400,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:32cm W:23cm D:10cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Da Ming Xuan De blue and white teapot, written in regular script with the six characters "Da Ming Xuan De Nian Zhi" at the bottom of the mouth of the teapot, has a grand, dignified and elegant shape, with a diamond shaped window on the abdomen and paintings of fruits and vegetables such as pomegranates. The overall design is decorated with patterns such as peonies, autumn chrysanthemums, and banana leaves, with a full and smooth layout. The blue and white colors are profound and elegant, the enamel is thick and moist, and the hair color is natural, representing the unique characteristics and beauty of porcelain during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. This teapot holder has a perfect appearance (the lid is well preserved) and is a rare and excellent item in the surviving teapot holder series during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. It is also a high-end collection for collecting classical porcelain.