Enamel glazed pink flower bowl

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Enamel glazed pink flower bowl

Auction Information

Product:Enamel glazed pink flower bowl


Starting Price:QAR: 990,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:7.7cm W:16.5cm B:6.7cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This bowl has an open mouth, slightly curved belly, and circular feet, with six blue and white characters at the bottom. It was made in the Yongzheng era of the Qing Dynasty. The interior is decorated with a turquoise green monochrome glaze. The exterior features turquoise green enamel flowers, blooming pink flowers as the theme. The painting technique is exquisite, with extremely delicate details, which can express the three-dimensional and layered sense of patterns and decorations on porcelain. It is a highly collectible collection.