


藏 品:宣統三年大清銀幣二枚換一圓(伍角)

編 號:4024



規 格:33.5mm*1.5mm WT:13.3g




宣統三年將大清龍洋製作推向巔峰。大清銀幣二枚換一圓(伍角)以完整版面展示立龍的威儀,佈局巧妙,工藝精湛。龍頭抬起,活靈活現;龍身雍容流暢,鱗甲順滑;龍爪趾節怒張,剛勁有力;尾巴抖落著漂亮弧線,立體形象。雕刻的美感還體現在文字的深淺控制、表面平整以及筆鋒的處理上,透著老道、和諧與不可動搖的權威。以一枚錢幣的境界,將華夏龍文化表現得酣暢淋漓,收穫美不勝收的藝術佳作。這枚錢幣同時開創了以角為計量單位貨幣體系的先河。 已知的大清銀幣伍角有四到五個版式,存世量均屈指可數。雖歷經百年,依然保持著當初打制深峻、勻稱大氣的模樣,彌足珍貴,具有極高的受藏價值。基於其稀缺性和傑出的藝術性,未來升值潛力巨大。 In the third year of the Xuantong reign (1911), the production of the dragon patterns on silver coins reached its peak. The coin of Er-Mei-Huan-Yi-Yuan (Wujiao) showcases the majesty of a standing dragon in full layout, with the unique design and exquisite craftsmanship. The dragon head is raised and looks vivid, and the dragon's body is graceful, with smooth scales and armors. The toes of the dragon claws are presented with charm and power, whereas the tail shakes off lovely arcs, triggering a three-dimensional imagination. The difficulty of carving is also reflected in the control of the depth of Chinese characters, surface evenness and the stroke performance, exuding sophistication, harmony and unwavering authority. In the realm of a coin, the Chinese dragon culture is vividly portrayed, resulting in an unparalleled artistic masterpiece. This type of coins pioneered the monetary system in the units of Jiao. Wujiao silver coins minted in 1911, have four to five different versions, with very limited quantities now available in the world. Although it has gone through more than a hundred years, it still maintains the deep, well-balanced and highly distinctive appearance of the original stamping production, which is precious and has extremely high collection value. Due to its scarcity and tremendous artistry, it has great potential for appreciation as time moves forward.