


藏 品:第一套人民幣駱駝隊

編 號:5234



規 格:按實際測量




第一套人民幣1萬元駱駝隊屬我國第一套人民幣,它發行於1951年,在1955年停止流通,發行量不多,存世量極少,被收藏人士稱為“十二珍品”之一。對於其收藏價值,那是無話可說的。第一套人民幣面值多且種類複雜,原票正面主景描繪了一幅壯麗深邃的大漠風光,駱駝客昂首闊步的背影,展現了當時人們充沛昂揚的精神狀態。酷暑季節,駱駝客們翻山越嶺,跋山涉水,以開闊的胸襟,瀟灑的情懷,往返於沙漠之中運送物資的景象,是新疆地區人民特有的時代回憶。而且流通時間短,部分版別的第一套人民幣發行和流通數量非常少。第一套人民幣停止使用時間已長達半個世紀之久,其間又經歷了多次政治運動、經濟改革,因此收藏者留存下來的不多,能將之集全者實屬鳳毛麟角。全套八成新品相的第一套人民幣,價格接近百萬元;全套全新價值高達300萬元/套。The first set of RMB 10,000 camel team belongs to the first set of RMB in China, it was issued in 1951, and stopped circulation in 1955, the circulation is not much, the existence amount is very small, and is called one of the "twelve treasures" by collectors. There is nothing to say about its collection value. The first set of RMB face value is large and complex. The main scene on the front of the original ticket depicts a magnificent and profound desert scenery and the back of camel passengers, showing the energetic and energetic spirit of the people at that time. In the hot summer season, camel tourists travel over mountains, cross mountains and rivers, and deliver materials to and from the desert with an open mind and unrestrained feelings, which is a unique memory of The Times for the people in Xinjiang. And the circulation time is short, and the number of the first set of RMB issuance and circulation is very small. The first set of RMB has been stopped for half a century, during which it has been through many political movements and economic reforms, so few collectors remain, and few can collect them. The first set of RMB for new products is close to 1 million yuan; the new set is up to 3 million yuan / set.