


藏 品:福祿壽禧財

編 號:5229



規 格:WT:157g




清代老銀錠,它身上聚集了歲月積澱,同時又有歷史文化,自然超越了純銀本身,具有很大收藏價值,銀錠在中國歷史上曾是長期用於流通的貨幣,亦是最堅挺和最重要的儲存手段 此銀錠為橢圓形元寶,橢圓的兩邊有上翹的雙翅,中間半圓,呈馬蹄形。足銀其色澤光鮮自然、紋飾深淺適度、外型美觀、品相好。錢面文字以楷書書寫,分別是“福”、“祿”、“壽”、“禧”、“財”。底下刻著“大清銀錠”。銀錠保存環境獨特,四周品相完好,寶面維持原鑄銀光,銀質溫潤潔白,寶氣攝人心魄,狀態無以倫比。因此,此枚大清銀錠老銀錠十分值得收藏,而且未來還會繼續升值,真可謂銀錠收藏中的一匹“黑馬”。此枚寶面完美開闊,戳記清晰舒展,造型優美,原始包漿,品種與品相均屬可遇而不可求。 此藏品現存世量極少,雖然經歷了無情歲月的洗禮,但如今依然保存完好The old silver ingot in the Qing Dynasty, which gathered historical accumulation and culture at the same time, naturally surpassed the sterling silver itself, with great collection value. The silver ingot was used for circulation for a long time in Chinese history, and it was also the strongest and most important means of storage The silver ingot is an oval ingot, both sides of the oval have warped wings, the middle semicircular, a horseshoe shape. Foot silver, its bright and natural color, moderate depth of decoration, beautiful appearance, good appearance. The characters are written in regular script, namely "Fu", "Lu", "Shou", "Xi" and "CAI". Under the engraved "Daqing silver ingot". The silver ingot preservation environment is unique, the surrounding appearance is intact, the treasure surface maintains the original cast silver light, the silver quality is warm and white, the treasure gas is breathtaking, and the state is incomparable. Accordingly, this big qing silver ingot old silver ingot is worth collecting very much, and will continue to appreciate in the future, it may be said that a silver ingot collection in true "dark horse". This treasure face is perfect and open, clear and open, beautiful shape, original pulp, varieties and appearance are available but not available. The collection is very rare and is still well preserved despite its relentless years
