


藏 品:隕石

編 號:5060



規 格:WT:38g




玻隕石,全稱玻璃隕石。玻璃隕石是地外物體劇烈撞擊地球時,地表靶物質熔融後快速凝結的天然玻璃。地表發現的玻璃隕石多呈塊狀,棕黑色到淺綠色,一般為釐米級大小,表面多具空氣動力學熔蝕刻痕。長期的研究證明,玻璃隕石在化學和結構特徵上與地球火山玻璃具有明顯的區別,不是地質作用的產物。 玻璃隕石具有廣泛而限定的地理分佈,分佈在美國南部德克薩斯州和佐治亞州的玻璃隕石稱為北美群;分佈在中歐捷克、斯洛伐克、奧地利的莫爾達維河流域的玻璃隕石稱為莫爾達維石群;分佈在象牙海岸的玻璃隕石稱為象牙海岸群;最大的一個玻璃隕石群是澳大利亞-東南亞玻璃隕石群,廣泛分佈於澳大利亞、東南亞半島及我國的南部地區,分佈面積約占地球陸地表面積的10%。 我國玻璃隕石最早發現於海南和雷州半島,其特點以及年齡與澳大利亞—東南亞玻璃隕石相似,可能是同期產生的Glass meteorite, the full name of the glass meteorite. Glass meteorite is a natural glass that condenses rapidly after the target of the surface when an extraterrestrial object hits the earth violently. Most of the glass meteorites found on the surface are massive, brown-black to light green, generally centimeter-sized, with many aerodynamic etches on the surface. Long-term studies have proved that glass meteorites are clearly different from the earth's volcanic glass in chemical and structural characteristics, and are not the product of geological action. Glass meteorites have a wide and limited geographical distribution, the glass meteorites distributed in southern Texas and Georgia are called North American group; the glass meteorites distributed in the Central Czech, Slovakia, Austria is called Moldawi stone group; the glass meteorites distributed in Ivory Coast are called the Ivory Coast group; the largest glass meteorite group is Australia-Southeast Asia glass meteorite group, widely distributed in Australia, Southeast Asia Peninsula and the southern region of China, the distribution area of about 10% of the earth's land surface area. China's glass meteorites were first found in Hainan and Leizhou Peninsula, and their characteristics and age are similar to Australia-Southeast Asia glass meteorites, which may be produced at the same time
