


藏 品:大明宣德铜鎏金观音像

編 號:5099



規 格:H:39.5cm WT:5000g




大明宣德铜鎏金观音像,H:39.5cm WT:5000g,此尊观音造型优美端庄,体态匀称,头顶一化佛,束高发髻,余髪披肩。开脸慈祥,白毫显现,弯眉修目,鼻梁挺秀,双耳硕大。身披天衣,裙裾衣褶纹理如行云流水,颈部饰项圈、璎珞,雍容华贵。跏趺端坐于莲花之上,莲瓣圆润饱满,左手持净瓶,右手握柳枝,工艺精湛。纵观整像,铜质精纯,铸熔深峻,比例协调,对称匀美,使人观之幻像亦然。衣纹刻划流畅自然,装饰简朴适中,并不繁缛,亦不缺失,给人以刚刚好的感觉。局部鎏金,宝光泽泽,保存完好,极具艺术性和收藏价值。The bronze gilded Guanyin statue of Daming Xuande, H: 39.5cm WT: 5000g, has a beautiful and dignified shape, a symmetrical posture, a Buddha like figure on the top of the head, a high bun, and a shawl of hair. Open your face kindly, show your white hair, bend your eyebrows and fix your eyes, have a straight nose, and have large ears. Wearing a heavenly robe, the train and pleats of the skirt are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the neck is adorned with a collar and wreath, exuding elegance and grandeur. Sitting on top of a lotus flower, the petals are round and plump, holding a clean bottle in the left hand and a willow branch in the right hand. The craftsmanship is exquisite. Throughout the entire image, the copper is pure, the casting is deep and steep, the proportion is coordinated, and the symmetry is even and beautiful, making the illusion of human perception the same. The clothing pattern is smooth and natural, and the decoration is simple and moderate. It is not cumbersome or lacking, giving people a just right feeling. Partial gilding, Baoguang Zeze, well preserved, highly artistic and collectible.