


藏 品:三眼天珠

編 號:5092



規 格:WT:7.3g D:2.5cm




天珠主要产地在西藏、藏东等喜马拉雅山域,是一种稀有亚宝石,民族和宗教特色浓厚,它的起源可追溯到公元前3000年至1500年之间的远古时期,年代久远,历史悠久。从古至今在藏区从权贵到高僧大德都视天珠为宗教圣物、众神的宝贝,无比殊胜。此外,由于天珠的神秘起源和特殊宗教意义,在古代珠饰中天珠的市场价值一直笑傲群珠,是名副其实的“珠中之王”,其身价更是难以估量,说它是“无价之宝”一点也不为过。此枚三眼天珠长2.5厘米,重量7.3克,珠体匀称,质地坚硬,色泽分明,包浆圆润,纹路清晰,沁色均匀,天眼的线条流畅自然,风化痕迹显得此珠越发莫测,更具魅力,珠体表面自然存在一层油亮、蜡状的润泽感,抚之滑润舒适,手感极佳,具有较高的收藏意义。Mainly produced in the Himalayas such as Tibet and eastern Tibet, Dzi is a rare sub-gemstone with strong ethnic and religious characteristics, and its origin can be traced back to the ancient period between 3000 and 1500 BC. From ancient times to the present, in Tibetan areas, from the powerful to the high-ranking monks, they have regarded the dzi as a religious relic and the treasure of the gods, which is extremely special. In addition, due to the mysterious origin and special religious significance of dzi, the market value of dzi in ancient beads has always been proud, and it is a veritable "king of pearls", and its value is even more incalculable, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a "priceless treasure". This three-eyed dzi is 2.5 cm long, weighs 7.3 grams, the bead body is symmetrical, the texture is hard, the color is distinct, the pulp is round, the lines are clear, the color is uniform, the lines of the sky eye are smooth and natural, the weathering traces appear that this bead is more unpredictable, more attractive, the surface of the bead naturally exists a layer of oily, waxy moisture, smooth and comfortable, excellent feeling, with high collection significance.