


藏 品:战国雷文三龙云雷纹底纹镜

編 號:5031



規 格:WT:981g D:19.8cm




东周楚国雷龙纹铜镜,镜钮为三弦钮,云雷纹为第一层底纹花纹,主纹粗,宽平突起,有折线形雷纹,和三条屈曲盘绕的变形龙纹,是两千三百多年前战国典型纹饰,体现楚人崇尚龙凤的习俗。铜镜保存状态极佳,呈黑漆古色泽,为楚国地域铜镜保存特色。纹饰造型古朴华丽,螭龙线条遒劲凝厉。纹饰华丽典雅高贵,气韵不俗,远超此后的唐代海兽葡萄镜,为战国铜镜的巅峰之作。其铸造精细入微,审美高度凝练,规整。精细花纹标明该时代铁器开始使用,具备刻画青铜器物的高硬度铁器工具。规整严格的审美体现战国时期,变法图强,对科学技术,和统一标准的高度追求。综合体现了东周战国时期的科学技术与人文精神。The bronze mirror of Chu in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty has a three-stringed button, and the cloud thunder pattern is the first layer of the ground pattern. The main pattern is thick, wide and flat, with a broken line pattern and three twisted dragon patterns, it is a typical decoration of the Warring States period more than two thousand, three hundred years ago, reflecting the Chu people's worship of the Dragon and Phoenix Customs. The bronze mirror is in excellent condition and has a black lacquer antique color, which is characteristic of the bronze mirror preservation in Chu. The patterns are simple and ornate, and the dragon lines are strong and firm. Decoration gorgeous elegant noble, elegant charm, far beyond the Tang dynasty after the sea animals grape mirror, for the peak of the Warring States bronze mirror. Its fine casting, highly condensed aesthetic, regular. The fine pattern marks the beginning of the use of iron in this era, with high-hardness iron tools to depict bronze objects. The regulated and strict aesthetic reflects the high pursuit of science and technology and unified standards during the Warring States period. It comprehensively embodies the scientific technology and humanistic spirit of the Warring States period in the Eastern Zhou dynasty.