


藏 品:烏鴉皮田黃四方印章

編 號:5028



規 格:WT:988g




印章的收藏一直朝着两个不同的方向伸展。一是藏印,即鉴赏印章篆刻的金石美、边款诗文的沧桑美、闲情趣语的印文美。另一种玩法是藏石,即鉴赏印章石料的灵透和印纽的雕琢天成,尤以田黄石为贵,温嫩脂润,色可夺魂,“溪中冻”、“凝脂霞”即其美誉。田黄作为石中之王,自问世以来一直受到达官贵人、富商巨贾的追捧,“黄金易得,田黄难求”,“一两田黄三两金”等民间说法也使田黄的尊贵地位得到凸显,甚至让田黄蒙上了一层神秘色彩。其材质温润凝腻,在软质雕刻石中居第一品。明清各朝均被当作贡品献入皇宫,被雕刻成御用的玺印及艺术摆件。 此乌鸦皮田黄印章,重量:988g,色彩类似乌鸦背颈部羽毛的色泽。雕刻家以刀代笔,借石四面所留之石皮巧雕大雁迎客松,刻画生动秀美。整体布局得当,古意盎然,背雕:“容甫先生屬防漢甲子冬之謙作”。印章款识:“寫遍奇峰入畫圖”此作工精材佳,不可多得之。体型饱满,石质细腻凝结,温润通灵,通体色如蜜腊,图案意境清幽,耐人寻味。具有极高的收藏价值和投资价值,是件难得一见的宝贝。 俗话说“黄金易得,田黄难求”,田黄致密细腻的质地,温润光洁的色泽,细密可人的肌理,以及稀少珍贵的藏量,都使田黄当之无愧的成为寿山石系中的瑰宝,受到人们的瞩目。藏品选用质地上乘的乌鸦皮田黄石料雕刻而成,极为难得的乌鸦皮田黄石,由于其上乘的质地和稀少的藏量,使它具有相当可观的升值空间,加上精雕细刻更是广大玉石爱好者把玩和投资的理想选择。 The collection of seals has been going in two different directions. First, the Tibetan seal, that is, the appreciation of seal engraving stone beauty, the vicissitudes of beauty of poetry on the border, the beauty of love words of the seal beauty. Another play is the Tibetan stone, that is, the appreciation of the seal stone and innuendo carved into heaven, especially in the field of yellow stone, tender fat run, color can be soul-grabbing, “Frozen in the stream”, “Ningzhixia” is its reputation. Tian Huang, as the king of the stone, has been sought after by dignitaries and rich businessmen since its inception, “Gold is easy to get, Tian Huang is hard to find”, “One tael of Tian Huang and three taels of gold” and other folk sayings also make Tian Huang& noble status prominent, and even let Tian Huang covered with a layer of mystery. The material is moist and greasy, ranking first in soft stone carving. All the Ming and Qing dynasties were presented as tributes to the imperial palace and were carved into royal seals and art ornaments. This crow skin yellow seal, weight: 988G, similar to the color of the crow back and neck feathers. The sculptor uses a knife to replace the pen and cleverly carves a wild goose to welcome the guest pine, which is left on all sides of the stone. The sculpture is vivid and beautiful. The overall layout is appropriate, full of ancient charm, back carving: “Mr. Rong Fu is a modest Hanfang Jia Zi Winter.”. Seal knowledge: “Write all over the Qifeng into the picture” this work fine, rare. The body is full, the stone is exquisite and congealed, warm and moist is psychic, the whole body color is like honey wax, the design artistic conception is pure and quiet, is thought-provoking. Has the extremely high collection value and the investment value, is a rare treasure.As the saying goes, “Gold is easy to get, Tian Huang is hard to find.” Tian Huang& dense and delicate texture, warm and smooth color, fine and pleasant texture, and rare and precious reserves, tianhuang has become a wel