


藏 品:周智慧《山雄海阔》

編 號:2050



規 格:215x87cm




周智慧的大海作品,《山雄海阔》 是大海之子献给母亲的生命礼赞,是人类对大海抒发情怀的新诗篇。站在他的作品前,顿觉心胸豁然、情感奔腾。周智慧与大海结下不解之缘,海的奔腾与他的血脉相连,他的心胸已纳百川。他形容自己是傻、痴、疯。傻是心无旁鹜,不计得失,一心为画;痴是不知饥饱,痴迷于画中;疯是只要拿起画笔,不计晨昏。他沉浸在自己的海洋世界里,不断开拓和超越自己的人生境界。他崇尚大境界,大美术,大语言,他把大海的博大与壮美发挥到了极至。站在他的画前,你会感到宇宙的无限,大海的神奇;你会感受到一种涌动的热情和博爱;你会豁然开朗,思绪万千,犹如大海奏击出的蓝色交响曲,给人类留下美好,让世界充满爱…Zhou Zhi-hui's works on the sea, “Mountains, mountains and vast seas” is the son of the sea dedicated to his mother's life praise, is the human feelings of the sea to express the new poem. Standing in front of his works, suddenly feel heart suddenly, emotional surging. Zhou wisdom and the sea knot indissoluble bond, the sea pentium and his blood, his mind has accepted a hundred rivers. He described himself as stupid, stupid and crazy. Silly is the heart without distraction, regardless of gain and loss, a single-minded painting; crazy is not hungry, obsessed with the painting; crazy is as long as the pick up the brush, regardless of twilight. He immerses in his own ocean world, unceasingly develops and surmounts own life boundary. He advocated the great realm, great beauty art language, he put the vast sea and magnificent play to the extreme. Standing in front of his painting, you will feel the infinity of the universe, the wonder of the sea, you will feel a surge of passion and love, you will suddenly open up, thoughts, like the sea playing a blue symphony, leave humanity a beautiful world full of love...